Yoga Gangstas

Is anyone else tired of hearing about their friends who chant and do yoga and burn incense?  I used to have much more tolerance for this.  I used to sit and listen to my friends in awe as they told me that after work twice a week they’d go to a super hot room above a bakery and sit on a mat and get centered with (insert any god’s name here).  I now have no time for this.  The other day a guy  I know told me he’d hired a chanting instructor and I almost ran out the door.  He explained that this guy comes into town once every four months from India or Colorado or wherever and holds marathon chanting sessions with him and then he leaves to God knows where.  He explained this in a mysterious voice, slightly hushed, his eyes all intense.  To me, sitting in a hot room on a hard floor for three days chanting words I don’t even know is not relaxing.  I’d much rather watch T.V. or read a book.  Or draw, of course.  Anyone else have a friend like this who swears that yoga/chanting is the greatest thing in the world?

3 Responses so far »

  1. 2

    No– not a friend like this since I quit hanging out with Madonna and Tina Turner…drats! LOL

    I luv that comic though….

  2. 3

    spinachflame said,

    Thanks, coffeestainednews. I feel bad when people tell me about their day in yoga class because my eyes start to glaze over. It’s hard to stay focused in that sort of conversation.

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