Posts tagged Comedy





The concept of this webcomic is that the main character, Brian, lives his life in his own imagination.  Just wanted to clear that up in case the dialogue doesn’t make any sense to you.

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Donut Jump!


I guess if the donut had cream filling, this might not’ve been such a bad idea.

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Caption Contest 2

All right kids, here’s another caption contest.  I couldn’t think of a caption for this bad boy, so send me any ideas you have.  Brian and Flip are supposed to be admiring the statue of the person/demon/whatever who founded their parallel world.  But whatever, you can make up whatever you want.

And can I say a word about anonymous drive-by crap-slinging commenters?  I’d really prefer to keep the content on my blog positive and up-beat, so if you’ve got anything rude to say about my drawings, keep it to yourself.  If you want to disagree with a point I’m making in my blog post fine, do it in an intelligent way.  Does anyone else get annoyed by these people who say faux-bold things but keep their names anonymous?  Anyway, go for it and give me some good captions!    

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I feel like I’ve been doing a bit of this lately, storming ahead without paying attention to the little details.  Or the big ones, for that matter.  I’m reading the novel “Love in the Time of Cholera” by Gabriel Garcia Marquez.  Anyone ever read it?  It’s brilliant.  Drop what you’re doing and read it now.  So far the book seems to be about what happens when you stop yourself from charging ahead through life in favor of staying safe.  This is a theme I’ve been working through in my own life, for reasons I won’t get into here.  But I’m thinking that, on balance, our lives are so short that we must go with our feelings on some things or risk regret.  Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Update: I just realized I spelled “tandem” wrong in the comic.  Oops.  Oh well.  

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Fusion Delusion

This one’s not really inspired by anything.  Or I guess I’m starting to get to the point in my life where I like what I like and I’m less interested in all the weird fusions out there, musical and otherwise.

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Yoga Gangstas

Is anyone else tired of hearing about their friends who chant and do yoga and burn incense?  I used to have much more tolerance for this.  I used to sit and listen to my friends in awe as they told me that after work twice a week they’d go to a super hot room above a bakery and sit on a mat and get centered with (insert any god’s name here).  I now have no time for this.  The other day a guy  I know told me he’d hired a chanting instructor and I almost ran out the door.  He explained that this guy comes into town once every four months from India or Colorado or wherever and holds marathon chanting sessions with him and then he leaves to God knows where.  He explained this in a mysterious voice, slightly hushed, his eyes all intense.  To me, sitting in a hot room on a hard floor for three days chanting words I don’t even know is not relaxing.  I’d much rather watch T.V. or read a book.  Or draw, of course.  Anyone else have a friend like this who swears that yoga/chanting is the greatest thing in the world?

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British Re-Invasion

The pound being worth what it is, I think the British could re-invade us easily.  We already love their accent.  What’ll happen is this: China will take over us, then England will take over them and us, much the same way they took over Hong Kong.  Doesn’t sound too far-fetched, does it?

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Leave the Poor Pop Stars Alone

I used to feel the way about Sean Paul that I now feel about Usher.  If they’d only played his songs five or six times ever on the radio and then burned all of his CD’s, I’d think he was a great artist.  But it’s like there’s a conspiracy and all the radio DJ’s want to expose certain artist’s flaws by playing them over and over again.  No musician can stand up against that.  Case in point?  Bob Marley.  No one can ever convince me that “No Woman No Cry” is a great song because I’ve heard it 53,000,000 times, and I’ve heard every teeny flaw in that song and it’s like death hearing it now.  Sure, on paper it’s a great song.  Deep, soulful, pure poetry.  But every time I hear that mellow intro I want to take off running. 

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Indiana Brian and The Kingdom of the Confusing Movies / Caption Contest Winner

Am I right?  Was Indiana Jones 4 not the most weirdly confusing movie of the year?  I’m still trying to figure out how the raving lunatic Oxley managed to escape the asylum, get the skull he’d stashed, and then return it to the weird burlap pods with the conquistadors in them.  Or is that what he did?  There was so much damned EXPLAINING going on that I couldn’t follow it.  The film itself was as bad special effects-wise as The Temple of Doom and even more dry.  They should’ve stopped on an up-note with Last Crusade, it would’ve been much better.  Really, why the hell does Spielberg always have to slip a UFO in his movies?  It’s getting really tired.  And Shia LeBouf swinging around on vines like Tarzan?  WTF??

Those ants were cool though.

Did anyone else dislike Indy 4 as much as I did?

On to other news, the winner of the first-ever caption contest is: Rog!  Good job, Rog.  Comparing the guys to Queen was a master stroke.  Come claim your prize which is…bragging rights.  Stay tuned for more caption contests in the future.

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Caption Contest

Sometimes I get stuck on a picture and can’t think of a caption/bit of dialogue for the characters to say.  I like the New Yorker’s caption contest, so I figured I’d try it once in a while here, when I absolutely can’t come up with anything.  The only thing I can think of is having Wayne, the dude on the right with all the arms, scream something like, “Ow!  I pulled my extensor digitorum longus!” into the various microphones.  Can you come up with a better caption or bit of dialogue for the characters?

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